Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > Playhouses....


21 11:51:03

Hi Kathryn,
I want to make my hamster a homemade playhouse, and I have a couple boxes and tubes. Any creative ideas? I also want to hamster-proof it so he doesn't get hurt, do you have any suggestions? Thanks,

What a good idea! You can do anything really with them.
For example, you could connect a couple of boxes with an empty toilet roll cutting holes in the side if the box so the toilet roll can slide in. Or you could stack a few boxes on top of one another and cut some different sized holes in them so he can scoot from box to box.
As long as there aren't any particularly sharp edges or things he could get his legs caught on he should be ok.

I'm sure he'll love it! Good luck.

Best wishes,