Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > My hamster has dry skin

My hamster has dry skin

21 11:03:37

I have recently noticed that my Russian Dwarf Hamster has got dry skin flaky, which looks like dandruff. I am really worried about him. Is there anything I can do or give to him??

Hi Rebekah

Thanks for your question.  I'm sorry to hear about your hamster.

Dry flaky skin can indicate mites however this is very difficult to treat in dwarf hamsters as the dosage for all the antiparasite treatments that I know are too strong for dwarf hamsters.  It might be worth speaking to a vet to see if they can recommend anything or if there is any way of getting a lower dose.  The drug that is used to kill parasitic infectins is Ivermectin.

If the dry skin is down to hormones or another reason you could try applying aloe vera to the skin which might help soothe it or teatree cream which you can buy in pet shops and is a natural antiseptic.

I hope this helps you.
