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my hamster having babies

21 11:28:48

My dwarf hamster just had babies 2-3 days ago, her and the male have been mating ever since. When she had the babies other hamsters were in the cage the male seperated himself on the the third level during the birth. Sadly it was unexpected and we were unexperienced so the female and the other hamsters ate the babies. We think she is pregnant again, is it possible ? If it is should I seperate her and the male ? Thanks a bunch,

if it has been a few days since the birth yes the mother can get/could have gotten pregnant again.  They usually carry around 18-20 days.  Yes I would separate them on about the 16th day and clean her cage out because you can't mess with anything for 2 weeks after the babies are born.  Sometimes dwarf hamsters can stay in the cage with the mother and be fine but other times it stresses the mother out and she'll eat them or the other hamsters will eat them.