Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > my hamster isnt eating

my hamster isnt eating

21 11:36:57

hi, every time i go and feed my hamster every day he seams not to have eaten any food and hasn't for a while now and I'm getting worried I've checked his bed and he hasn't stored much as he usually does. is this a problem or is it normal?

Hi Mary

How old is your hamster?  Is he still drinking/playing etc?  Is he alert or wanting to sleep, or hunched up?

If you've got a set of kitchen scales it would be worth weighing him every day for the next week or two and seeing whether he is actually eating.  Sometimes it is very difficult to know how much they eat.  The main thing is - does he get excited when you put food out for him, or isn't he bothered?  Have you seen him going through his bowl or trying various foods?  If his weight is falling then he needs to get to a vet urgently to establish what is happening.

Have you checked his teeth?  He might have broken one and they are lopsided, or overgrown - in which case they will need trimming.  If you are in any doubt about the correct length of his teeth your vet can advise you on this and if necessary show you how to trim them as this can be daunting for the first time.

You could try tempting him with his favorite food or some treats: cheese, scrambled egg, sunflower seeds etc. My hamsters love raw peas, corn on the cob, or a small piece of apple.  Also, if you can get the powdered human baby food (creamy porridge oats for 4-6 month old babies is a favorite), mix some with water and give him some in a dish, or spoon feed him.  

Hope this is of some help to you - if you have more details please get back in touch and I'll see if I can shed some light on what is happening.
