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Death of hammy :)sad

21 13:29:50

My mother hamster died which leaves 1 remaining but whats unusual is that they had food and the 2 female were with here but the female babies are 4 1/2 weeks old and to make matters even more difficult 1 of the babies is too weak and small to eat the mom also the other mom didn't have food for a day and her and the female babies of the other cage are bigger and there still alive (sorry if i didn't make sense there)and i examined the half eaten faced mother and the bones where intact but shes only been dead for appx. 2 days does her body ditererate that fast or did something go wrong?! can u tell me also the biggest female baby in her cage is only 2 inches long so could u plez help me?! thks!

Dear Brandon,
I'm sorry to hear about your hamster :(
Just so I understand your situation correctly: you have orphaned babies and one mother with babies? How old are the orphaned babies, 4 weeks? Then they are old enough to eat normal food and should be doing so for at least two weeks now. If they are younger than two weeks, you need to feed them kitten milk (not cow milk) every three hours and massage their bellies after they ate. If they are old enough for solids and cannot eat, you need to take them to the vet. I recommend doing so anyway to rule out that they have whatever killed their mother.
After two days, small rodents have already started to decompose and often they get eaten by their cagemates, which is just natural, they want to keep the nest clean.
I hope I was of some help to you