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Hamster not using back legs all of a sudden

21 11:42:24


I have a question about my hamster and why she's all of a sudden dragging her hind legs behind her. When my sister was playing with our hamster she was fine. Though when I went to check back on her and the hamster I found out that the hamster wasn't using her hind legs, she's just dragging them behind her. She is a hyper little girl but we get her out quite often to run around and get plenty of excercise which she absolutely loves. She seems perfectly fine other than the fact she's dragging her hind legs behind her. She even tried to climb out of her cage like she does when she wants to play when I checked on her just a minute ago. So do you have any idea what's wrong? Did she maybe just hurt her legs and is choosing to drag them instead of using them while they hurt or do you think something else happened?
Thanks for any help on the matter,

Hello Becky,
your hamster may have had some sort of stroke or a pinched nerve in her spine. I don't think there's too much you can do for her except to make everything close to her and try to keep her as comfortable as normal and make sure she is getting extra nutrition like vitamin drops in her water. I'd call a vet and ask if there is anything that can be done, but I really don't think there is anything that can truly be done.