Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > Hamster ball bad?

Hamster ball bad?

21 11:36:22


i was reading some articles online which was saying that hamsters and gerbils cannot take the stress in 'round' places and being placed in the spheres also causes them back problems  because it forces the critter's spine to curve.

just wondering if its true, and if i should get a hamster ball for my gerbil.  

Hi Alex,

This is a rather controversial topic.  Many people believe that hamsters and gerbils will develop spine problems if kept in a round cage.  Some do not.  I tend to agree that round cages are unhealthy for hamsters.  In fact, Rotastak cages (the round, modular cages sold in the UK) are actually banned from being sold in the U.S., since some health problems have occured in hamsters using these cages.

However, a hamster ball will not cause these problems, since the animal should only be in the ball for 10 minutes at a time.  I'm not sure your gerbil would enjoy a hamster ball, though.  You're welcome to try it, but in my experience, gerbils don't enjoy them - they frantically try to get out.  As an alternative to a hamster ball, you can try a small animal playpen, and set up toys in it to give your gerbil exercise.

If you have any other questions, please feel free to ask :)
