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My hampster is sick

21 11:40:40

My daughter has a 1 and a half year old hampster. She is usually very active and has been a great pet. Over the last few days she has become inactive. Instead of running around at nite she spends all her time in her nest. We have been giving her water because she wont go down in her cage to get it herself. Her hair is getting matted and dull and when we try to get her to walk, she shakes and walks very slowly. In my opinion she looks swolen because her eyes are very small. We take great care of her and have no other pets.  Please help!!!

Hello Christian,
hello it sounds like your hamster is also reaching old age as well as sick. I would take her to a vet so she can be treated, but your hamster is very old and there's no guarantee that the vet will be able to do anything but it's worth a try to get antibiotics from the vet. Good luck and keep me posted.