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New Hamster babies

21 13:31:31

Our new pair of hamsters just had a litter of 8 pups.  The mom ate 6 already and we have 2 left.  Our cage is a large one (multi-tier).  However the hamsters nest in an enclave at the top that is small (and cozy).  Here are my questions.
1. Should I place special food (eggs and other high protein diet) for the mom in the top enclave?  I am concerned that I might bother her further and that she will eat up the rest of the litter.  If I place it at the bottom of the cage, I am not sure if she will leave her pups and venture out to get the food.
2. What can we do to get water to the pups in the enclave?  The regular water source is from a bottle attached to the side of this multi-tier cage.  Can the mom provide hydration till the pups can wander around?
3. Since the enclave is small, it seems to get pretty saturated with droppings and urine quickly.  Can I safely leave the hamsters there without cleaning the enclave for a week?

Thanks for your help.

 First, Just give mom the food you've been feeding her and lots of it. Her eating the babies has nothing to do with what you did. The babies were probabaly weak or mom was and she ate them for the safety of the other babies. Its all part of nature. All the babies need is mom's milk. Water is no nesacary. I wouldn't disturb the babies to clean until they start to venture out by themselves. Good luck!
