Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > russian drawf hamster

russian drawf hamster

21 11:15:03

We have just noticed that our female REussian Drawf hamster has lost all the fur under the front legs. It is red and looks a bit swollen. The hamster is still active, drinking and eating and running about the cage. She has no problem with us touching her legs or holding her.Is this normal or shall I take her to the vet?

Hi Joanna

I'm sorry to hear that your hamster isn't well.  It is very difficult to know what is happening right now and the best way of finding out would be to get her checked out by a vet.  This certainly isn't normal, especially if the area is red and swollen.  The fact that she is still active and eating/drinking normally is good.  Do you have a photo of this you could send?
