Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > is it stressed?

is it stressed?

21 11:38:11

Hello. I have one hamster and i dont play with it or anything like that as much as i should. It has a horrible cage that makes noises so loud at night! And i usually take the wheel out becasue that is the main problem of the noise. Also it chews on the cage bars, and that is really loud too! Is there anything i can do about the chewing on the cage? and i dont have enough money for a new cage. But i do have a ball for it to run in. Does it HAVE to have a wheel? or is a ball ok?
Please answer ASAP. I need to know if it is stressed and doesnt feel loved.

Thank you.

Hi Katherine,

Yes, your hamster must have a wheel.  A wheel is essential for exercise, and your hamster will be healthier and happier with it.  You may want to try a new wheel, that makes little noise.  Just make sure it is a solid wheel.  (Wheels with rungs can cause injuries to the hamster.)  Try something like this:

(If you have a Syrian hamster, also known as a Teddy Bear hamster, you'll need an 8" wheel.  If you have a Dwarf hamster, you'll need a Dwarf-sized wheel.)

To stop your hamster from chewing on the cage, go to the pet store and buy Bitter Lime Spray (or Gel).  The Bitter Lime is marketed towards ferrets, so it should be in the ferret section, and it costs less than $10.  Simply spray or rub the Bitter Lime in the cage, where your hamster chews.  If your hamster tries to chew on the cage, he'll taste the Bitter Lime and be disgusted.  You may have to use the Bitter Lime a few times, but your hamster should soon get the idea and stop biting on his cage.

Since hamster's teeth are continuously growing, make sure to give your hamster chew sticks and chew toys.  You may also want to purchase a vegetable wheel for him.  (A vegetable wheel costs less than $2.)

Continue to let your hamster run in its ball for no more than 10 minutes at a time.  (For example, let him run in the ball for 10 minutes 2 or 3 times a day.)  And, I would encourage you to play with him more, so he won't be so bored.

Have a great day!

If you have any other questions, please feel free to ask :)
