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poorly hamster

21 11:11:33

hi, i have a syrian hamster, who got quite big, and hes lovely, tame and beautiful, but i have noticed that hes got very sleepy, his eyes aren't open wide like they used to be, he looks like he's just been woke up all the time and hes misplacing his footing now on the bars and has fallen over a couple of times, he's off his food, and i have been looking but i think he's had trouble pooing. i bought him a large wooden house with bark on the side to put bedding in and keep him warm over the winter months but he has been stripping the bark off the side of the house until a few days ago. he is cleaned out fed and watered regularly doesn't smell and his cage is clean. any advice would be appreciated. thank you.


Sorry to hear that your hamster isn't his usual self.  You haven't said how old he is.  From the description you give I would estimate around 2 years???  If so, then this is old age setting in.  Around this time they are very prone to getting tumors and often there is little indication of this other than they drink more water than usual.  As the tumor grows it can affect them in other ways - they seem to get big (often pear shaped), they don't want to move around too much, sit hunched up, don't want to eat, and can have difficulties walking.  Is there any sign of blood/pus coming from his rear end?  Regarding his eyes, it is important you get them open and if they won't open on their own if you gently wipe the area with a damp cloth this might help.  If they don't open every day you will find a build up of pus behind them.

If this is age related and a possible tumor then I am afraid there is little that can be done.  All you can do is make sure his cage is easy for him to get around - remove any platforms, tubes etc and get everything on one level so that he doesn't have to go far for food and water.   Try tempting him with food that he likes - you can also try him on baby food.  I always keep a packet of the powdered creamy porridge oats variety and mix a little with water if I have a sickly or elderly hamster.  See if he will eat this.  It is important that he has other food too otherwise his teeth will overgrow if he just has soft food.    If he reaches the stage when he can't walk, looks dull and/or you notice blood or pus coming from his rear end then you do need to get him to a vet who will probably advise euthanasia.

If he isn't that old and therefore this isn't an age related illness - can you find any of his poo in the cage?  Often they keep this in their bedding.  If there is no sign of it then you should try and get him to eat some lettuce or dandelion leaves.  These are natural laxatives and his condition could be constipation which can become very serious.  You can also add a pinch of epsom salts to his water. Another treatment is to give two drops of either liquid paraffin or lactulose four times daily in severe cases.   A vet would be able to prescribe medication to help this if necessary.

Has he increased his water intake over the last few weeks or so?  If so this is often an indication of a tumor or kidney problems.

Do you have a local vet that you can contact and seek advice?  It would be preferable to get someone to see him if possible - check before you go that they will see small animals as I know that some vets don't.

I hope this helps you.
