Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > I am worried about my Syrian Hamster

I am worried about my Syrian Hamster

21 11:40:26

I bought my new hamster about 2 1/2 months ago and now, even after i have cleaned her out, she still smells really bad.
She has a loss of fur around her belly and also has peeling skin on her nose and feet.
She is not as active as she was either.
We have just bought her a new cage and she has been in it for about a fortnight.These symptoms also started around 14 days ago.
Please can you tell me what is the matter with her?
Thank you!

Hello Jessica,
what type of bedding are you using? Cedar and pine are known to cause problems that you are describing. Also, if you aren't using cedar or pine then your hamster more than likely has mange mites and should see a vet as soon as possible for medication.