Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > swollen glands?

swollen glands?

21 13:32:25

Hi Bryan:

Our female hamster had 7 babies a couple of weeks ago.  Today while cleaning out her cage, I noticed that she is very swollen on both sides of her body above her front legs.  It looks like a couple of the babies are too.  Any ideas what this may be?  Thanks!

Hey, Judi.
I don't think there's anything to worry about:
The 'swelling' just appears like that because she's stuffed her cheek pouches (with food, bedding, etc.).  They can stuff a lot in their cheek pouches too, so they can sometimes look very swollen.

So unless you notice any sudden changes in behavior (not eating/drinking, lazyiness, etc), there's nothing to worry about.
Hope that helps and good luck with all your hamsters.  Best wishes to all of you.