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21 11:06:19

how do you get your gerbil to like you better

Dear Brian,
thank you for your question.
Gerbils will learn quickly that they can get treats from you, especially when you give them treats at the same time every evening. Sunflower seeds or mealworms makes good treats, as long as you don't give them too many. A mealworm per day and gerbil or one or two sunflower seeds are a good amount.

Put your hand in the cage and let the gerbil explore it without trying to hold it if it's still very shy. If it feels safe sitting on your hand, you can gently pet it and move your hand to see if it will stay.
Some gerbils get tamer than others, but pretty much all of them will get tame enough to take food from your hands. But not all of them will enjoy being held or petted.
I hope I was of some help to you