Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > Im going to breed...OMG HELP!! Please

Im going to breed...OMG HELP!! Please

21 13:26:11

Hi, Jasmine!
I'm wondering about breeding, I'm going to get 2 dwarf hamsters!  A boy and a girl, they'll be in the same cage.  How do I start the breeding? And then once the young born, stop it? I only want one batch of babies!  And will the breeding cause a shorter life for the mother?  And if I get a brother and sister would they mate?

Dear Lily,

Start breeding by putting the hamsters in the same cage when the female hamster is in the season. you can tell if she's in the season if she rolls over. Yes, once the young are born stop it but keep the male hamster in the cage if you want because sometimes dwarf male hamsters help with the babies. Yes, breeding will cause a shorter life the mother. And, no the siblings will not mate. I hope the breeding turns out well!!!

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