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Conflicting Dwarf diet info

21 11:52:43

I recently purchased a white Siberian dwarf hamster along with "hamster" food (and other necessary supplies).  

Everything in the food, of course, was too big for a dwarf, so I smashed (lightly) the coarser bits.  I also picked out the sunflower seeds (to use as treats) and the corn.

Since then, I've been reading more about proper diets for dwarfs, which seem to be somewhat different than the golden hamsters I raised as a child.  

Specifically, the food we purchased contained some sort of small, white, round bean/pea item.  (Sorry, I can't identify it.)  The hamster seemed to like it when I broke it into smaller pieces.  I'd also read that dwarfs enjoy lentils, which I've added sparingly to her diet.  The food also contained split peas.

But, I'm uncertain as to whether she can have other dried beans - like navy, northern whites, black-eyed peas, and black beans - intended for human consumption. (I know kidney beans are out.)  I've read in a one place that these are poisonous - but they seem like a natural addition to her diet.  And, I don't see how they differ from what's in her purchased food.

Thanks!  Getting a clear answer on this food thing has been difficult!

Dear Mingo,
thank you for your question.
I wouldn't offer her beans because they give the hamster gas which is a more serious problem for them than for us. Apart from that, beans and peas are not that natural for a dwarf hamsters. Birds seeds (parakeet and canary food) are an excellent food, they should make up at least 2/3 of the diet. Mix them with a good Syrian hamster food without raisins, peanuts and sunflower seeds.

The sunflower seeds can be given as treats, the raisins are too sugary - dwarf hamsters are suspectible to diabetes and other illnesses that are caused or helped along by too much sugar in their diet. That's why they also shouldn't have fruits, only vegetables and leavy greens.

Here's a good website that lists grains and seeds (it's actually for parakeets, but the lists is fine for hamsters, too):

They also need animal protein. Offer mealworms, crickets, locusts, buffalo worms or silkworms, about three times a week. If you don't want to give her insects, you can offer dry dog food, egg or curd cheese, but insects are better.

I hope I was of some help to you