Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > gerbil tail hair loss(more specific)

gerbil tail hair loss(more specific)

21 11:57:15

My friend's gerbil has a companion, and tons of things 2 play with, but he's loosing the hair on his tail. Can u help me and her?
PS she doesn't have Internet and can't look up stuff on the Internet.

Hi Jessica,

There could be a few reasons why your friend's gerbil is losing fur on his tail:

1. If the fur loss is at the base of the tail, his companion may be responsible.  The gerbil's companion may be trying to assert his dominance, which is very common and harmless, so he's biting the base of the other gerbil's tail.  Unless there is blood or a visible wound, this is nothing to worry about.

2. The gerbil may have mites.  Sometimes you can see mites (tiny black specks) by smoothing out the gerbil's fur.  To treat mites, buy anti-mite spray for small animals at the pet store.  Spray both gerbils' bodies, making sure to cover their heads while you're spraying.  Then, clean the cage and spray it with the anti-mite spray as well.

3. The gerbil may be pulling out the fur himself, out of anxiety.  This is likely not the cause, since he has a companion, but it's possible, so that's why I mentioned it.  Make sure the gerbils have a solid wheel to burn off excess energy, and a cage large enough for both of them.  And, tell your friend to try to be gentle with the gerbils, and don't ever scare them, or suddenly wake them up.

If you have any other questions, please feel free to ask :)
