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dwarf hamster fight

21 11:30:25

Hi, I have had two dwarf hamsters for about a month. They were bought together and had no issues until today. I suddenly moved their tank while I believe they were sleeping. About 2 minutes later I heard squeeling and ran it to see one hamster batting at another. I figured that it just got spooked when I moved the cage and it was it's natural instinct. I seperated the two for about 45 minutes and let the one that attacked the other run around in his ball to relieve some energy. I put him back in the tank with the other and he was fine for a couple minutes, ate and drank some water and then acted as if he was searching until he started squealing and batting at the other again. They are both males, and the slightly bigger one is getting attacked and seems to be defenseless. I have them separated for now but I am hoping they can be put back together. I was wondering if you could offer me an advice and help explain this situation to me.
Thank you very much,

Hello Victoria,
sometimes even if you buy dwarf hamsters at the same time they will start to fight when they get older because they want the cage all to themselves and they see the other one as the enemy and so it becomes a fight of who is the boss and who gets the cage. I would personally keep them seperated so you don't end up with just one hamster after a fight.