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21 11:30:19

how do you no if your dwarf hamster has broken its leg?


If a hamster breaks a leg they drag it behind them and can't put weight on it.  Sometimes it swells up a bit.  There's not a lot you can do with a broken leg - some vets prescribe pain killers, but the problem with these is that if the hamster isn't in pain they use the leg more - which is bad for them.  

The main thing to do if a hamster has broken a leg is to remove any wheels, toys etc as they need to rest it as much as possible.  It takes several weeks to heal.

If you think it is broken it is worth getting it examined by a vet as they need to make sure the blood supply is OK - if the blood supply is cut off by the break you hamster may lose its leg (I've had several three legged hamsters - you just need to modify their surroundings and not let them have a wheel).  If it is all OK, then it is a case of just waiting for nature to take its course.
