Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > My hamster is very weak

My hamster is very weak

21 11:40:35

hello, i have a hamster named Andy and he's pretty old. he's about 2yrs and 7months old.

I have recently noticed that he has started to breathe a lot faster and whenever i hold him he jus goes weak and sleeps in my hands.

i feel so helpless cause i don't know what i should do. Is this something i should be worried about?

thanks if you could reply back !

Hi Diana,

    Given the age of Andy and the way he is acting, it seems to me that his time is getting close (it could be days or weeks, it just depends on him). All you can do is give him your love and let him know you are there.
    If you have anymore questions, please write again.

Thank you for writing and so sorry.