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Hamster habits

21 11:14:46

I just bought a new teddy bear hamster home 3 days ago. They said she was
about a month-to a month and a half max. She was with one other female
hamster in her cage.
I have only had one syrian short haired before her and the 2 are different. I
have noticed that my new hamster runs a lot on her wheel, but then she will
stop and just kind of lie on her belly for a few minutes and then move again.
Is this normal? I have never seen my other hamster do it before!
Also, i am trying to tame her without much success. She will eat from my
hand, but she won't sit in my palm. she will just stand on my finger and reach
for the food. If i pick her up she squeals and squirms away. I tried putting her
in a ball and she was freaking out. All she loves is her cage and her wheel!

Hi Marya

All hamsters have very different personalities and for her running in her wheel obviously makes her feel happy.  It is strange that she lays down on her belly for a few minutes after running and I would advise that you keep a watch on this.  They often stop after running for a while and have a wash or eat something, or just sit and go to sleep in their wheel, but they should not have to rest every time they have exercise.  This might mean absolutely nothing, or it could indicate that something is wrong which would need checking out by a vet.

Regarding handling her - the best way is to talk to her a lot.  This way she will quickly get used to your voice and recognize you.  Every time you see her out and about in her cage, give her a treat (seeds, nuts, dried fruit etc. NEVER chocolate) and speak to her.  Hamsters often don't like to walk on skin and therefore I have found that the best way to tame a hamster is to put them on clothing.  When you go to pick her up, rub some of her bedding onto your hands so that her scent is on you.  Then place a hand each side of her and quickly 'scoop' her up.  Immediately transfer her to your clothing.  It is best if you sit down to do this so that she can walk over you and explore.  Every time she starts to wander off, slide a hand under her and gently bring her back.  Hamsters are very short sighted and in the wild they are prey for lots of other animals and birds, therefore never approach her unannounced from above, nor squeeze her or she will be scared and may cry or bite.  If you slide a hand under her she will get used to you handling her and not be afraid.  Usually, after a few minutes I return the hamster to their cage.  Hamsters are very curious creatures and chances are if you do this she will want to come out again immediately - if so, get her out.  If you increase the handling time daily she should get used to you.

With regard to the exercise ball - if she is frightened with you putting her in this, you could let her walk into it.  Tape over the joins/openings as they do have a habit of opening if they bang into furniture.  Just leave her in it for a few minutes, talking to her all the time.  When you come to get her out, open up the ball and either let her walk straight back into her cage, or onto your clothing.  Never try putting your hand into the ball as this really will freak her out.  If she is OK with this, increase the time she spends in her ball daily to about 20 minutes in total.  I tend not to wash out the hamster ball in the early stages - this is so that the hamster's scent is in there and they quickly recognize the smell.

I hope you get on OK with her.  It sounds as though she is just settling in and trying to get used to you. The more time you can spend with her now winning her confidence, the better relationship you will have with her.
