Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > bald hamster

bald hamster

21 11:05:15

hi my hamster is 19 mouths old and has gone bold behind his right ear it is not red or dry looking and he is not sracting it looks like it is growing back a bit what should i do

Hi Susan

Thanks for your question.  Sometimes hamsters do lose a bit of fur, especially when they are 18 months or older.  Their fur often naturally thins at this stage. Baldness behind the ear might be due to scratching, but it is good that the area isn't dry or red.

What type of hamster is this?  Is it a Syrian - if so, you might want to try an antiparasite medication just in case it is mites.  You can get them from pet shops - make sure it is the one for hamsters.  It is applied exernally at the back of the neck.  The medication needs to contain a drug called Ivermectin.  If this is a dwarf hamster, then you cannot use this drug on them as it is too strong.

Hormonal changes can also cause fur loss.  These are difficult to treat.  

Apart from this, how is he behaving?  Is he eating/drinking/playing normally?  I would be tempted to monitor him but hopefully this is nothing to worry about.
