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Gerbils eye is closed

21 11:05:15

Hi, so one my my Gerbil's eyes is closed and it seems like there is some crusty stuff around it.I've tried to get close to him to wipe it off with a piece of a cotton ball but he's too fast I can't get close enough.Is there something I can do? Also, how can I get him to let me close enough to wipe it off? Thanks

Hi Kari

Thanks for your question.

It is important that your gerbil opens his eyes daily - if the lids remain shut they can develop and infection.  Wiping with some soaked cotton wool or cloth is the best way.  I appreciate how fast gerbils can be and that this isn't an easy task - it may well be a two person job.

If your gerbil is too fast to catch, then you could try and get him to run into a small box.  You can pick him up by his tail, but don't pick him up from the tip of the tail otherwise it will come off in your hands which is pretty freaky.  Only pick him up from the tail close to his body.  Another way is to place a hand each side and quickly 'scoop' him up.  You have to work very quickly with wiping his eye.  If you try picking him up daily - even if you almost immediately put him back, he should start to get used to you. Whilst none of my gerbils have ever been tame enough to play with, they have usually calmed down enough for me to pick them up. If necessary if you can hold him for a few seconds, someone else can try and wipe his eye.

I hope this helps you.
