Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > I think my hamster has a tumor

I think my hamster has a tumor

21 13:32:25

I need to send a pic to someone regarding my hamster. I think it is a tumor and wondered if someone would accept my pic and tell me what it could be. thanks

Hey, Janet.
I saw the pic you sent, and:
Yes, that does look like it might be a tumor.  Only other thing it could be would be an abcess, but that would be caused by an injury (cut, scratch) or infection.  Either way, the only thing you could really do is see if you can take him to a vet to have it removed (if it is a tumor) or drained (if it is an abcess).  The vet would also be able to prescribe any antibiotics that may be necessary.

Remember, 3 years is a long time for a hamster to live so congrats on the good care you've been giving him.  Hope that helped you out some, and best wishes.