Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > My Hamster might have a tumor

My Hamster might have a tumor

21 13:26:11

Hi. I have had a Black Bear Hamster for about 2 years.  I have recently noticed a swollen lump on her neck and am thinking that it may be a tumor. She has grown less active.  She is sleeping longer during the days, and waddles around in her ball instead of running around. She has also gained a bit of weight, but she is still eating and drinking normally. Will a vet be able to help in this situation?

Hi Josh,

If it is a tumor (which it sounds like it could be), then it can most likely be operated on by a vet.  External tumors, when caught fairly early, can often be successfully surgically removed.

If you have any other questions, please feel free to ask.
