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Is my pregnant gerbil sick?

21 11:36:51

Hi my gerbil is about two or three weeks into pregnancy and she seems to be very sleepy. when I walk in the room to look at her she looks at me with half closed eyes and drags her self out of her burrow with her belly touching the ground before standing up to get a treat. Is she just tired or is she sick? She also fell on the floor yesterday will her babies be all right? Please awnser


Do you know exactly when your gerbil conceived?  The gestation period for a gerbil is around 24-26 days, therefore her behavior sounds strange if she is only 14 - 21 days into her pregnancy.

I've never had a pregnant gerbil before (hamsters are really my area), but certainly with hamsters they are usually very active right up until the time they give birth, although with a large litter they can waddle a bit.  

With regard to whether or not her babies are OK, these little creatures are fairly robust and can often survive a fall without any injuries, however, there is no guarantee.

If you find that she isn't due to give birth for another week or more, then I would be tempted to get a professional opinion as I don't think she should be behaving like this.  If your dates are wrong and she is due any time, then this might be normal for her, in which case you just need to monitor her for a day or two.  If she deteriorates at all, then again, I would advise getting her to a vet as soon as possible in case there is a problem with the litter.

Sorry I can't be more help.  Good luck with this.