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wet hamster

21 11:14:33

My Syrian hamster seems to have got wet probably from the bath water splashing her cage yesterday evening. I have put her in a warm area but her coat does not appear to be drying. Should I do anything else?

Hi Fiona

She will probably be fine, but I would be tempted to try and dry her off on a towel and if that still doesn't work you can use your hairdryer on her - but only on the very lowest/coldest setting.  When I have to use a hairdryer on a pet I never point the dryer direct at them as it can get very hot very quickly - either keep rubbing her fur so that your hand takes the bulk of the heat from the dryer or dry from a distance - but keep the dryer moving all the time so you don't burn her.  

Have you dried out her cage thoroughly?  It would be worth replacing all her bedding/wood chippings in case they are damp - and especially if she has been lying on them whilst she is wet.  Dampness can attract mould and this can cause respiratory problems for hamsters.

Hope you get on OK.
