Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > syrian vs cambells

syrian vs cambells

21 13:29:30

Hello, I know you don't know much about breeding and my question doesnt really involve that but is related to it but was hoping you could help anyway.

I am starting a small animal breeding project in a little while and would like to breed a pair or trio of hamsters as well but the problem is I'm not sure to get cambells dwarf(color morfs) or normal syrians or "teddy bears". I want to be able to find homes for the babies before they are weaned. Anyway here is my question

In your opintion are syrians(teddy bear/black bears/smooths ect.) or cambells(all colors) more popular as pets? I personally like teh cambells better because I can house the pair/trio together but it seems only certin shops carry them(is it because they make poor pets?), Basicly which would be easier to sell?


Syrian hamsters do tend to be more popular as pets.  They are generally easier to tame.  Also, if you don't handle a Syrian hamster for a while, it'll still be tame, but if you don't handle a dwarf hamster for a while, it will become a little wild, and the taming process will have to be repeated.  In addition, since Syrian hamsters are larger and not quite as fast as dwarf hamsters, they make better pets for younger children.

However, I would encourage you to think a few things over before you begin breeding either type of hamster:
-Make certain - before you start breeding - that you will definitely have homes for all of the babies.  
-Don't automatically assume that you will be able to sell the babies to a pet store.  Most of the time, pet stores have their own breeders, and they won't accept new ones for lack of space.  Consult with your local pet store before you begin.

If you have any other questions, please feel free to ask.
