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hamster behaivour

21 11:10:48

my syrian hamster is 7 weeks old she eats meusli and is drinking fine she has a 15 by 10 inch cage which is connected to a 16 by 10 inch cage she has a wheel tube and several chew toys.

she seems to be sleeping fine but sleeping on plastic with several pieces of food she has stored there.

why is she sleeping on plastic cage and not bedding that she has been sleeping in for the past week?

Dear Stephen,
thank you for your question.

Does she have a house that's big enough for her? Syrian hamsters like very roomy houses where they can store their food and sleep at the same time. I would recommend a house that it at least 7x5x4 inches long, high and wide. If they feel they don't have enough room, they often sleep out in the open. Some hamsters will also change their sleeping place sometimes, especially when it's warm.

I would recommend getting her a tank or a homemade cage. Hamsters need a lot of floor space and really deep bedding to dig and maybe make their nest in the bedding. Here's a website with cages (storebought and homemade) that are suitable for hamsters, measurements are given in cm:*Schwedisch*.htm

I hope I was of some help to you