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hamster pregnant????

21 11:52:12

Hi again kelly,

well i think my hamsters have already mated but im not sure if shes pregnant or not i separated her after it happened what all should i do if shes pregnant i dont know anything about a pregnant hamster plz help me. thank you

Hi Dylan,

Start watching your female hamster for signs of pregnancy.  If she is pregnant, she will start building a large nest and hoarding food in it.  Around day 10 of the pregnancy, her belly will start getting bigger, and her nipples will be more noticeable.  Also, she will stop coming into heat.  

A Syrian hamster will be pregnant for around 17 days.  If you think your hamster is pregnant, you'll need to prepare the cage 2 days before she is due to give birth.  First, you'll need to clean the cage and fill it with plenty of Aspen or Carefresh bedding.  (Never use Pine or Cedar beddings, which are dangerous to small animals.)  Then, you'll need to remove the wheel from the cage.  Try not to hold or play with your hamster around this time.

Since there's quite a bit more information about pregnant hamsters, here's a great link:

If you have any other questions, please feel free to ask :)
