Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > Sickness?


21 13:28:45

I have a teddy bear hamster, and she's been making strange noises. It's not exactly a squeak, but some other indescribable noise that happens whenever she breathes. She seems to be acting just fine, still eating, drinking and running about. I was just wondering if this is the beginning of some sort of respiratory problem or anything.

hi nari,
hamsters sometimes catch common colds and tummy bugs from humans, so your little hammy may well have the snuffles. if she is eating, drinking and still going about her normal daily routine, then chances are she's ok. just keep an eye on her. if she gets worse or goes off her food, take her to the vets and get her checked out.
hope this helps. thanks for your question, jewel