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Is my hamster dying? PleaseHelp

21 11:52:54

I've had my hamster since November 2004 , i know that hamsters only have an average life span of 2-3 years and I'm not really sure what is happening because my hamsters eyes have been shut for about a week and won't open, the feet look different and it's ears have gone hard and crusty? Have you got any ideas on what this could be?
If i take it to the vets will i have to have it put down because i will be really sad to let it go. I'm only 14 and it's my first pet I've had please help. x

Hi Elana,
 This could be some type of allergy. What type of bedding are you using? Have you put anything new in the cage or given him/her any new foods? If you have put something new in the cage take it out, and if you have given him/her some new kind of food (fruits or vegetables) do not give them anymore. For the bedding, if you are using cedar or pine, get rid of it as soon as possible, for these types of bedding are toxic to hamsters and do cause allergies.
    To help with the eyes you can take a Q-tip and wet the end, then gently rub it over the eyes (from far corner to nose) until it opens. You may have to do this a few times during the evening, as they may not open right away. Do not try to pull them open because their eyelids are very delicate and tear easily.
    If you have to make any of the changes I have mentioned (bedding or food) and your hamster does not improve within the next day or two, i would suggest taking it to the vet.
    Your hamster is very lucky to have you for an owner, you have done a great job in caring for it, as a hamsters general life span is 18 months to 2 years.
    If you have anymore questions, please write again.
