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baby teddy bear hamsters

21 11:52:54

I purchased a teddy bear hamster, little did I know it was a female and she was preg. She gave birth sometime fri night/ sat morning. I do not know anything about hamsters let alone baby ones. I need to clean the cage. Should I just work around the babies or once I clean a spot move them. When will they open their eyes? As you can see I have lots of questions. When can I get rid of them ? I am not able to take care of all of them. I was told that I would have to buy a cage for each one. Is this true?  

Depending on how old the mother is, rearing the baby hams can be difficult. When cleaning, try to remove litter that is far away from the babies, dont worry if you don't clean the whole cage all at once. Disturbing the mother may cause her to eat her babies in defense, which happens more with young mothers. Older ones are a little more tolerant of disturbances. 6 weeks old is the age they can go out on their own. You can keep them all together until fighting starts, but eventually they will all need separate homes, as syrians are solitary animals.