Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > My hamster is bleeding from her anus

My hamster is bleeding from her anus

21 11:04:55

QUESTION: So she is all so shaking, and very swollen, plus the blood has a little bit of yellow sticky stuff(puss?) she isn't eating a lot my dad fed her some fresh apple just now. She seems to be in a lot of pain and we read purhapse it could be an intestinall prolapse she is about 2 so even I don't think it would be worth the surgery and our small animal vet isn't open on Sundays so I wanted to now if there was anything I could do to help her untill tomorrow, please respond soon, by the way something similar has happens be for but it wasn't as bad. Oh ya and is there any over the counter anti-inflammatory that I could give her, thank you do much

ANSWER: Hi Phoebe

I'm really sorry to hear about your hamster - and apologise for not getting back to you yesterday.

How is she today?  She sounds very sick.

It is fairly common for hamsters of this age to develop tumors - these can cause the hamster to change shape and look very pear-shaped. The tumors tend to be very deep and inoperable - however,if they rupture then they cause pus and blood to come out of the rear end.  Sadly there is nothing that can be done.

If if is this, then the kindest thing would be euthanasia - the important thing is that she isn't in any pain.  I'm assuming she is a Syrian - in an emergency you can give aspirin - but you only need 1/25th of a table which is literally a couple of crushed grains dissolved in water.  however, a vet would be able to give much better pain relief and antibiotics if they think she is worth treating.

I'm sorry I can't offer more advise right now, but would strongly recommend that she sees a vet who will be able to advise you.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thank you so much, but we couldn't get her to the vet because it was Sunday, I stayed up with her, at one point she got very cold so I cut a couple of pieces of felt on her. Her breathing became like almost a hiccup but I moved her to her favorite spot do she would be more comfortable, sadly she did pass but I tried to make her comfortable, do you think this was enough I want to know I was kind to her.

Hi Phoebe

I'm really sorry to hear about your hamster.  She did sound very sick.  The problem with hamsters when they reach this stage is that all you can do is make them comfortable.

There would have been advantages and disadvantages with getting her to a vet - on the plus side he would have been able to give her pain relief or euthanase her so that she didn't suffer.  However, she would have been put through stress being taken then and for some euthanasia is very traumatic (depending on how the vet does it).  I prefer my hamsters to die at home in their own surroundings if at all possible and it sounds like you did everything for her.  I'm sure this would have made it easier for her.

I don't think you should question your kindness - it is obvious that you loved her and you did everything in your power to help her.
