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over attached hammy

21 11:37:34

I just got my hamster not even a week ago and he seems really REALLY attached to me already. I was thinking that there would be some kind of resistance and biting but there doesn't seem to be any.When I stick my hand in the cage to refresh his cage or to replace his food he climbs up my hand and when I leave him in the cage he seems restless. The only time he'll sleep is when I'm holding him. It seems prefers me to hold him most of the day and I'm worried that handling him so much might make him sick but i feel like I'm neglecting him when hes agitated. Please help?  

thank you for your question.
I don't think that this is anything to worry about, you just have a super-tame hamster. If he comes to you and climbs onto your hand, it's perfectly okay to handle him. I've known hamsters that really demanded human attention by chewing on cage bars or just running around at the front of the cage until they were taken out.

It might be a good idea to make his cage more interesting so that he's not bored when you cannot play with him. For Syrian hamsters the minimum in my opinion is 40x20x20 inches long, wide and high, for dwarfs it's 30x15x15 inches. Scatter food in the bedding to make him search for it, hide food in cardboard boxes, crumpled paper, toilet paper rolls ect. and exchange one toy per week (not the house).
I hope I was of some help to you