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Sick gerbil :(

21 11:57:16

I dont think that it is because of a stoke because we have some ornacyclin(tetracycline) and if the gerbil drinks that in the water it usally gets better, bout 3 of my gerbils have died because i caught it to late. But if i catch before they cant move well the get better with in a day r 2. I cant figure out what it is r called

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I have had gerbils for about 3 years and(like u) know alot about them, however my gerbil, alex(lol), is sick. I havevnt been able to find out what he has yet, here are the symtoms: eyes closed, walking slowly and unsteady, not eating(after a few days they stop). My gerbils have had this alot before, and i was just wondering what it is called.
Hi Alex,

Have your gerbils only ever had this when they older (over a year and a half old)? Gerbils are prone to strokes, and this can cause them to be unsteady etc, and they can normally make a complete recovery all by themselves!! Although, without having had a vet examine the gerbils there is no way for me to tell you exactly what it is he has as many symptons can overlap!!

I hope this helps though,
and let me know if you find out what it is for definite!


Hi Alex,

I am not sure on what it is then, i'm sorry!!! My gerbils have never had anything like it, and in my time of working with animals i haven't experienced anything that i can think of that will match!

I am sorry that i can't help you any further,

P.S - Do let me know though if you find out what it is called! Thank you.