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need help with gerbils

21 11:52:35

Can I make an outside habitat for gerbils to live in? With dirt and outside grass, say in chicken wire. or give them a bath?? Where can I find a Female Gerbil? Need HELP PLEASE!!

Hi there Lyndsey,

It is not really appropriate for gerbils to live outside as the weather is not like it would be for them in the wild. They will easily catch colds even when it is warm. Also they are very good diggers and could easily tunnel out of an outside habitat which you wouldn't want!! It is best to keep them indoors in the warmth.

You shouldn't give them a normal bath, but they can have a sand bath. You need to buy special sand from the pet shop as it is treated and is safe for them to use!!

Do you have a local pet shop? If not look on the internet in your area for rodent breeders or gerbil breesers and try contacting one of these who maybe able to provide you with a female!!

Hope this helps,