Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > Hamster has lump on her side

Hamster has lump on her side

21 11:40:28

Hi Kelly,
my golden hamster, Kookie, who is a female, approximately 1 year old, has developed what looks like a soft, squishy lump, in the area between her front leg and back leg.  Do their pouches extend that far where it could just be something in her pouch? or could it be some sort of growth (cyst, tumor, etc.)? As I said, it feels soft and has the ability to move around alittle, and she doesn't seemed bothered by it.  Her behaviour is the same as always, as is her eating and pooping habits.  Any advice would be appreciated!

Thank you
Debby & Kookie

Hi Debby,

It sounds like your hamster has either an abscess or a tumor.  It's often difficult to distinguish between the two.  Sometimes, if it's an abscess, you can see a bite or scratch on the lump.  Either way, you'll need to take your hamster to the vet - if it's an abscess, it will need to be drained (because if it bursts, your hamster will most likely become infected), and if it's a tumor, the vet may be able to operate.

If you have any other questions, please feel free to ask :)
