Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > Dwarf hamster growth on lower neck/upper chest

Dwarf hamster growth on lower neck/upper chest

21 13:28:03

I recently noticed a growth on my 10 month old dwarf hamster.  It is on the lower neck/upper chest in the center of her body.  It is about the size of a small grape.  I am worried that it is a thyroid problem from the reading I have been doing... What is your take and should I have a vet look at it?

Hi Blake,

Your hamster may have an abscess or a tumor.  With abscesses, sometimes you can see a bite or scratch mark.  This is not always the case, though, so it can be difficult to tell if your hamster has an abscess or a tumor.  Either way, you should take your hamster to the vet.  An abscess can easily burst, giving your hamster a high risk of infection.  A tumor, if it's found early enough, can usually be operated on successfully.

If you have any other questions, please feel free to ask.
