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Chlorophyll pine?

21 11:37:57

 I still haven't got my gerbils but we got a different bag of shavings at a grage sale. It called Chlorophyll pine. Is it okay for gerbils?

Hi Samuel

A number of wood shavings contain various substances that can cause serious problems for small animals.   Whilst I don't know what Chlorophyll pine is - I would be very careful before using it.  Some Pine and Cedar contains volatile oils that cause skin irritation and respiratory problems in hamsters/gerbils.

I would therefore only ever recommend wood shavings that are package specifically for small animals.  Is there anything on the outer packaging saying that they are safe for small animals?  If not, I would strongly advise not using it or you could make your gerbils very sick.  this type of wood shaving may be fine for larger animals, but gerbils and hamsters rely very heavily on their sense of smell and even air fresheners in the house can cause them problems.  Therefore being surrounded by wood shavings that have an added scent can cause them serious problems.
