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Abandoned baby Dwarf hamsters

21 13:29:57

Hello.  My Dwarf hamster had babies 14 days ago.  At 10 days old, one of the babies had his eyes open.  Well, ignoring my wishes, my niece disturbed the nest when she saw the little guy wandering around, and Mama has abandoned her pups.  I have been maintaining them myself for 3 days now... keeping their bedding fresh, clean water and fresh foods in babyfood jar lids, etc.  They all seem to be doing well, except for one.

One of the babies is having trouble opening his eyes.  They are now 14 days old.  The little guy's eyes look like they are stuck shut.  One other baby has one eye fully open, but the other eye shut.  

My question is, should I leave it alone and see if the eyes will open by themselves, or should I try to get them open with a saline solution from a vet?  Also, all of my Dwarfs are itchy... but I did a close inspection of the adults, and there doesn't seem to be any mites.  Any suggestions?

Hi Shelia,

You can dampen a piece of cotton wool and run it very gently over the hamster's eyes.  If this doesn't work, then you should take your hamster to the vet, as your hamster may have an eye problem.

As for the itchiness problem - Make sure your hamsters aren't in an area that is drafty.  That could cause their skin to become irritated.  Or, your hamsters could have an allergy.  Talk to your vet to determine the cause.

If you have any other questions, please feel free to ask.
