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Seizures in a dwarf hamster?

21 13:29:57

I have a 2 month old baby dwarf that has stopped eating and drinking (unless fed with an eye dropper) she is alert to sounds and such..the problem is she is weak and if she tips over on her back she starts to act like she is having a seizure or defending herself although there is only her in the cage...can you tell me why she is doing this or is it just that she is dying.

Dear Janette,
thank you for your question.
Please see a vet with your hamster immediately. It sounds very serious and every day is critical with rodents, they die very fast. If you can find a rodent vet, that's perfect. Phone a few vets in your area and ask them to recommend one or you might find one here:
I am sorry that I cannot be of more help to you