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Strange Death

21 12:01:07

Hi Joanne,

I appreciate your help on trying to answer my question. We lost our hamster yesterday and it was a huge surprise to us. Casey did not display any signs of anything being wrong with her at all; in fact the day before her death she was running around like usual, and going around in her wheel. When we checked on her yesterday, she appeared to be sleeping in her bed but was not moving, when I went to touch her I saw that she was dead and when I picked her up she had a red (what looked like a fat tail) coming out of her butt. I thought it was her tail but it was still there just fine. There was blood in her bedding as well. Do you have any idea what could of happened to her? I thought it might have been stress since I did see her going in her wheel allot and biting the cage (which are bars). I thought maybe like hemroids, that's if they get that. It just a bit bothersome and I just would love to know what could of caused it.

Many thanks on your answer.


hi gisela,

im sorry to hear of your hamsters death, which is rather unsual as they usually show signs before passing away.

it could have been a number of things such as tapeworm, bladder stones or a tumor of some sort, these would explain what the strange object was. chances are whatever it was has erupted and caused her to pass away.

if you wanted you could take her to the vets and he will know exactly what it was.

i do apologize for not giving a more specific answer, i feel i could have helped you prevent this more. again, im sorry for your loss.

if theres anything else i can do please ask.

joanne xxx