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Broken gerbil leg

21 13:28:24

Our healthy gerbil, Fiona Freckles was accidentally dropped on his left side today. His front left arm seems to be injured from the fall. I'm sure it's most likley a break. He seems very calm about the situation although in much plain. I gave him small bits of bread dipped in milk to help the bone heal if it is broken, but i'm very worried he might die, will he? How can I prevent him from dying...also his nose started to bleed slightly, but not much, he also has a small wound the size of a paper cut on his lower abdomin,it has been there before the fall, is this abnormal? since yesterday his droppings have changed from dark brown to green, is this strange?

Hello Tori. The droppings could be because of the milk and bread you're feeding him. If his droppings are still firm then I wouldn't be too concerned. Keep your gerbil from climbing and take out any wheels in the cage. Also, buy a soft bedding like soft sorbent or carefresh so he will have something soft to go around on. The small wound the size of a paper cut isn't normal either. Use styptic powder on the wound daily to help heal the wound up. I think I would give the vet a visit too. With the wound and broken leg, they could give you an ointment to put on the leg to help numb it so he won't be in so much pain. Accidents happen and don't feel bad. My hamster has been dropped a few times. Luckily he landed on his stomach though. Good luck and keep me posted :-)