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Russian Dwarf Hamster Bleeding

21 13:28:16

I was just giving some attention to my Russian Dwarf Hamster who is about 1 year old when i noticed that my arm was wet and i looked and it is bleeding from its butt. I am not sure if its a boy or girl hamster but i wasn't sure what this could be. I haven't ever see it bleed before

Hello! Wow bleeding is always a serious thing and there could be many reasons for the bleeding. Did you look in his cage and see if there was a lot of blood there? I would try to whipe the blood off and see if there is anything sticking out of his behind. If there is something sticking out of his behind take him to a vet asap. He may have just had a bump and could have popped. Was it a lot of blood or a little bit? If it was a lot I would really consider taking him to the vet if the bleeding doesn't stop in a day. I honestly don't believe hamsters have periods though. I've never found any information on small and furry animals having periods. So we can rule that out. Does your hamster have another friend in the cage??? Also what type of bedding are you using?? Ceder or aspen bedding is not good for small aniamsl. Aspen bedding is the best bedding to use as well as carefresh and soft sorbent bedding. Keep me posted on your hamster.