Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > bleeding out the raised urinary papilla

bleeding out the raised urinary papilla

21 11:16:16

hi my question is is what do you treat it with?because it is not visible on the bedding and it is a looks just like is wet from cleaning it self.but it is wet all the time and it is not diarrhea when we took a peace of toilet paper we figure it out that it was blood.please contact me back

Hi Desiree

Blood or pus coming from the rear end of a hamster should be investigated.  Females can get various infections which cause a discharge and can be extremely painful for them.  These needs to be treated urgently with antibiotics. In these cases, without treatment the hamster can deteriorate quite rapidly.  How is she in herself?  Is she bright or sitting hunched up?

Is it possible for you to get her to a vet as soon as possible?  It would be worth doing this as they will be able to confirm if this is an infection and if so start the treatment immediately.

I hope you get on OK.
