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Is my winter white dwarf hamster pregnant?

21 11:07:19

Hi. I have 2 winter white dwarf hamsters. I suspect one is pregnant as she suddenly seems very fat at the rear end. She has also been drinking more water than usual. She also bites us when we touch it.  

Dear Fashira,
thank you for your question.
Drinking a lot of water can be a sign of diabetes, dwarf hamsters are prone to this. You can test her by letting her pee into a clean transport box or other container and then using one of those test sticks for humans with the pee. Diabetic dwarf hamsters shouldn't have fruit and red vegetables since those are very high in fructose, treats containing sugar and honey are also not suitable (but dwarf hamster in general shouldn't have them since it's not part of their natural diet).

I can't tell from your description if she's pregnant or not, but usually pregnant hamsters grow bigger around the middle, not the rear end- The fast that she bites you when yu touch her there makes me suspect that she's in pain - it's possible that she has a tumor instead. I really recommend seeing a rodent vet with her to find out what exactly is wrong.
I hope I was of some help to you