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How much work?

21 13:29:28

Hello, I am wanting another pet but don't want too much extra work to do. I was wondering how much time/effort a single syrian hamster takes? I want to take him out to crawl around on my bed/put in exercise ball ect.... but dfon't want something that Needs to come out daily or needs alot of attention... would a hammy fit the profile? Also I have a ten gallon tank with wire lid... will this work for him? I have a wire wheel and hanging water bottle already also(bought but never bought critter) Please let me know what you think... also are hammy's fun pets to have?

thank you for your question.

A Syrian hamsters needs to run free every evening unless the cage is really big. They do need daily attention for feeding, chanching the water ect., too. Cleaning the cage needs to be done every three weeks if you clean the toilet corner every two days.

A ten gallon is way too small for a Syrian hamster, in my opinion the minimum is 40"x20"x20" lenght, depth and height or even bigger.
I'm no friend of those hamster balls. Hamsters rely on their sense of smell, hearing and touch to find their way around and all those senses are numbed inside a ball - there's nothing to touch and smell but the ball and it's very loud in there. Apart from that, hamster legs can get caught in the ventilation slots. Letting the hamster run around in a hamster safe room or a play pen is a much better alternative and if you seat yourself in the playpen you can let the hamster climb around on you, taming him in the process.
A play pen can be build for very little money from OSB panels (at least 1.5 ft high) that get taped together with duct tape. You get a play pen that can be folded up and stored under your bed or in a cupboard.

Hamsters doesn't wake up during the day, so don't make him and sometimes he will sleep until late at night. Hamsters don't like being petted all the time, but a bit is fine - but they love running around outside and this includes climbing around on you. Hamsters are noisy animals and I cannot recommend sleeping in the same room. But I think they make awesome pets anyway!
I hope I was of some help to you