Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > a few questions sorry!!

a few questions sorry!!

21 11:56:30

ok qu 1 my hamster that i got died why i came home from school she was all floppy she started screaming 2 hrs later she died there was nothing physically wrong on look wrong just went floppy was it dehydration
qu 2 i got a new hammy on Thursday shes 8 weeks old and her bum seem dirty not wet and shes not got diarrhea but she has a dirty bum i tired to clean it but nothing came off what is this ?
2 my new hammy again always seems to be itching please tell me why has she got fleas or just cleaning herself ? please answer all i need alot off help ?

thank you for your question.
You need to see a vet with your hamster as soon as possible. Diarrhea is a very serious problem with hamsters and other small rodents, it can kill them in a matter of days.
The itching may be caused by mites, fleas are rare with rodents, although not impossible. The vet will be able to help you with this, too. Over the counter-medication that can be bought in pet shops is usually expensive, useless and possibly dangerous.
I'm sorry that I cannot be of more help to you